Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Phantoms of the Gossip World?

So I heard, A new Mysterious Gossip Spreader has arrived in CNU.
If There was Eblog, Gossip Guy and Seniors08 in my alma mater! In CNU we have the so called Watchers, yes! there are two of them but unfortunately both are on a long road of catfight and wordwars. The Original Watcher was the one who spread the scandalous sinister secrets of the school while the 2nd Watcher was made to counteract and stop the Original Watcher from spreading more secrets. In Situations like these, I imagine it's like 2 gossip girls in St.Constance Billard and St.Judes!

But in the End, who will win? The Original Watcher or the 2nd Watcher...
I'll be updated...

[Source: A Victim of the Watcher's Schemes]



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