One Of My Source, Mr. Quiggle has sent me a blog-worthy spine chilling email yesterday containing facts about this Black Book which is currently situated on CNU's Museum.
Facts have it that The Book was owned by a Certain Governors Son (2o+ years ago)
and it's pages contain a compilation of Death Notes, Suicide Letters, Unknown Letters and some of Demonic Drawings. They say that if you should read the book, you will also commit suicide. The Black Book's death attributes include The Governor Son's Suicide (by Shotting himself) thus resulting the book to be Donated to the CNU Library. Two CAS students read the book and they too suffered the impending curse of the book, They were found dead, hanged on the ceilings on their respective Houses, and it was said they commited suicide on the same time. After that gruesome incident, Officials had decided to put the Book behind glass and be transfered to the Museum arhives to avoid another accident.
CNU is really something dont you think? It's considered to be Cebu's Most Haunted Place. It's building was a Spanish Mansion turned into a School by the Americans and When the Japanese came they made kempeita out of it. And should we take note that the Cashier Window was actually the Prison for WWII?
If you should study at CNU, you'll experience a taste of world renouned History and some spine chilling culture behind it's doors. Goodnight Everyone, Until my next post.
[note: picture above is not the actual Black Book]
Keep it up Eblog! We luv ya!
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